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Writing interesting and engaging blog posts

Wow! Only two weeks left in this summer blog series! Where has the time gone?

So, I've been thinking a lot about what makes a "good" blog post lately. If you would've asked me a month ago, I'd have probably said something along the lines of... find a niche, write what's you, love what you write, etc, etc...

But I'm not going to.

See, I'm starting to feel like blogging is making it's way back to it's roots. If you'll remember, back in the old days (like... 5 years ago), blogging was more like online journaling. You wrote about your day, maybe included a photo or two, maybe ranted about the crazy check-out lady at the grocery store. But then, somewhere along the way, blogging turned into this crazy profitable (?) business endeavor. Everyone became a "mommy blogger" or a "fashion blogger" or a "lifestyle blogger". It became "cool" to blog, and everyone jumped on the bandwagon. Soon there were these blog geniuses who would go around telling everyone "how to blog" (oh wait... was that me?).

Can we take a breath here?

Is it just me or is blogging getting really complicated? Rather than tell you to schedule your posts, look here here and here for inspiration, and never miss a day unless you're sick... I'm going to give you just one piece of advice:

Write like nobody's watching.

Seriously. Write like nobody's watching. I mean... you can write like you're writing to a friend. That works too. But don't focus so much on gaining sponsors (or readers). Don't try to be cool, witty, or interesting. Don't worry about offending us or alienating us (okay, maybe worry a little - nobody likes a constantly negative Nellie).

I guess my point is... if you were writing your thoughts out to the universe and didn't expect a response... what would you say?

Write about that.


  1. I agree with this sentiment wholeheartedly. :)

  2. Great post. I agree with every word :)

  3. This is awesome advice. Sometimes there are things I want to say but then I think of my audience. Every once in awhile I just need to let the thoughts flow.

  4. Good thoughts. Blogging has gotten complicated!! I love keeping and editorial calendar but it also is good to step away from it sometimes and go against the plan!! Keep it natural and inspired.


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