Today I woke up and my first thought was, "I want to go out for breakfast."
Not my normal instinct first thing in the morning, but I figured, sure, why not? Sounds like a plan. Any place with coffee would work.
I did a quick Google search for "breakfast" in my area and decided to try Sunnyside-Up Cafe. It sounded like a tasty place to eat, although I couldn't for the life of me picture it in my head. Not surprising though, since I have zero sense of direction and can seldom picture any place in my head, let alone a place I've never been.
So naturally, as I forged on down the road into the great unknown... my inner nay-sayer started having second thoughts.
"Maybe I should go somewhere I've already been to... and know I'll like.""What if I hate their food?"
"What if it's weird there? Not my style?"
"Why don't I just go somewhere I've been before? What's so great about trying something new anyway?"
Then I told myself to take a chill-pill, relax, and just go try it. What's the worst that could happen? Better yet, what if I actually like it?
Onward I went...
Turns out, it's a great restaurant! Yum yum! Friendly people, excellent food. I'm definitely going back. :) Goes to show that trying something new doesn't have to be intimidating and scary!
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