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Adventures at New Years

As some of you know, I have hypoglycemia. Technically, hypoglycemia is a symptom of something (such as diabetes) - it means "low blood sugar". Doctors have yet to figure out what is causing mine, though. Unfortunately. Needless to say, I just have to make sure I eat every 3-4 hours and I'm fine.


Yesterday I forgot to eat dinner. What can I say... I was distracted by my day off, reading blogs, knitting, generally lazing around. 10:30pm rolled around and I suddenly realized I had a splitting headache!

I glance at the clock and realize what time it was. 10:30!! I stood up to make myself something to eat and got super nauseated.

The funny thing about hypoglycemia is that the main symptom is nausea... and the main cure is eating something. Kind of ironic, I know, since eating is generally the last thing I desire to do when I'm nauseated.


I quickly threw a frozen pizza in the oven and downed a glass of Kool-Aid. As I lay on the couch listening to the TICK, TICK, TICK of the kitchen timer, I pushed back the waves of nausea, and concentrated on letting the sugar from the Kool-Aid settle in. I pondered how the sound of timer seemed super loud to me right then. My senses are always hightened when my blood sugar is low - usually first noticeable when I can hear my heart beating really loudly in my ears.

Finally the pizza was done. I inhaled half of it before my nausea shifted and changed. Then my stomach said, "Enough!!" and urged me to lie down again.

So... at 11:00pm on New Year's Eve... so close, yet so far away... I went to bed. I can't remember the last time I missed watching the ball drop over Times Square. I lay there, nauseated, headache-y, and exhausted from the sheer effort of trying to bring my blood sugar back up, pondering the New Year and how it felt like I was missing it.

This morning I woke up, 12 hours later, refreshed though slightly shaken. I promptly ate breakfast, then lunch a few hours later, in an attempt to stabilize my sugar levels - they always seem to go a bit haywire when I let them get too low like that.

So far, the New Year feels like just another day... slightly anticlimactic since I didn't ring it in properly. Hmm... oh well... maybe that's okay. It's still a fresh new year whether I was sick in bed or awake greeting it in.


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