For those of you who missed it, are new to reading Just Jen, or just plain forgot (that's me!), here's a look back at what 2011 was like for me. J A N U A R Y * 2 0 1 1 I started out the new year resolving to keep my plants alive . #FAIL But hey... at least I tried! And bonus... it smelled really great in my apartment for about a month!! If I try this again, I think I'll have to pay more attention to remembering to water them. Plants seem to like that. F E B R U A R Y * 2 0 1 1 I became infected by the book The 4-Hour Workweek . The idea of generating a passive income to give yourself the time to do what you REALLY want to do began to take root in my brain, forcing out the mild resignment I'd had to just putting up with my wearying job. I began to dream of having more. M A R C H * 2 0 1 1 I drowned my iPhone (not on purpose!). Luckily I'm a big enough geek to listen to WAY too many technoglogy podcasts, so I knew to immediately (as in... I...