1. Finish sprucing up the current designs in my Etsy shop . Um... I made a lot of NEW designs. Guess I need to work on spring cleaning a little more. It's just so much more interesting to make new things than to fix old things. ;P 2. Add 5 new blog template designs to my shop . Yup! Definitely did this and more. 3. Bid on 5 "real" design jobs. Let's see... I bid on 3 jobs. Didn't get any of them. But at least I put myself through the process of inducing nervousness into the pit of my stomach. This'll get easier, right? 4. Actually get out of the house for a walk at least 3 times a week. Three times a week? Did I say that? I think I made it out three times total. Maybe. I need to work on that. 5. Remember to shower at least every other day. Yup, did pretty good on this one. I even did some laundry too so I had clean clothes to wear. ;) 6. Knit 3 new items for my knitting shop . I got one hat made. Does that count? Also I s...