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A Book Survey

I found this fun book survey over on Sasha's blog, so I thought I'd fill it out! Let me know if you take it too - I'd love to see what books we have in common. :)

What are you reading right now?
Honestly? Not a lot. I mean, I have a million books started, but my brain's been a little busy lately with finishing up the term, so I haven't settled into reading for awhile.

Do you have any idea what you'll read when you're done with that?
I started reading Insurgent shortly before finals started, so I'll probably make that the first book to finish up this summer.

What 5 books have you always wanted to read but haven't got around to?
How 'bout we make it... what have I started and really want to finish but haven't quite gotten around to? Lol.
1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe series (I'm about 2 or 3 books into it - I've been meaning to finish it for years now).
2. Anna Karenina (despite the uppity-sounding title, it's really a very down-to-earth, interesting book).
3. Steve Jobs (that new biography by Walter Isaacson - it's pretty good, but I'm only about halfway done).
4. the Bible (okay, I've read that many times before, but I really need to make it a habit to read it more regularly and consistently).
5. 1984 (I started this one a few years ago and got distracted from it for some reason - I've always wanted to go back and finish it up).

What magazines do you have in your bedroom/lounge right now?
Actually I have quite a few, and not even ones that I read. I have to collect magazine images of different genres for school so I've taken to stashing away whatever magazines I come across. My mom and her friends save them for me, and sometimes I even have a few of my own to throw in there. Mostly, the ones in my pile are photography magazines, TV guides, and People magazines.

What's the worst book you've ever read?
I'd say it's a cross between Jane Eyre, Moby Dick, and Great Expectations. I had to read them all in high school and found them all quite boring. I do love some classic books, but those ones just didn't do it for me.

What books seems really popular but you actually hated?
Um... don't hate me, but... I get really bored by The Lord of the Rings. Okay I technically haven't read them, but I read half of the Hobbit and couldn't take it anymore. Plus the movies put me to sleep. Too much walking around and not enough getting to the point.

What's the one book you always recommend to just about everyone?
Harry Potter. Definitely. 99% of the people I know have read that series and loved it, but for those who haven't read it yet... I always suggest they try it. Even people who don't like to read. It's that good.

Where do you usually get your books?
Usually the Kindle bookstore. I used to buy "real" books but all the Borders closed in our area. And I used to go to the library more, but now we live out of the city limits so don't have access to a library. Although I miss the smell of the page, it's fun having all my books available wherever I go, so I don't mind so much getting into e-books.

Where do you usually read your books?
In bed, curled up with a blanket and (usually) my cat.

When you were little, did you have any particular reading habits?
Yes, I never stopped reading. I was that girl who would sit in the back of the class and read and read and read and read. Then when it was lunchtime... I'd head to the library and find more books to read. Luckily I had friends who read all the time too or else I'd probably have been pretty unpopular. Now that I blog a lot, I'm realizing just how many more of you out there read all the time, too! :D

What's the last thing you stayed up half the night reading because it was so good you couldn't put it down?
Hmm... I think that was probably Divergent. I just finished that up a couple weeks ago. Very interesting book, quick read, and hard to put down. :)

Have you ever faked reading a book?
You mean, like in school? No. I guess I figured they assigned us those books for a reason so I might as well read them. Even the books I didn't end up liking, I'm glad I read them because they're part of our culture and history.

Have you ever bought a book just because you liked the cover?
Um yes? Doesn't everyone? Lol. The last one I remember doing that with was Michael Pollan's, In Defense of Food. Tell me that's not a catchy cover.

What was your favorite book when you were a child?
What wasn't my favorite book? Lol. I loved the Babysitter's Club, the Box Car Children, Ramona Quimby, Little House on the Prairie, Dicey's Song, the True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle... just to name a few.

What book changed your life?
I think I'm going to have to go with the Bible on this one, although I don't think that's what this question was aiming for. I can't think of another book that has such life-changing attributes though.

What is your favorite passage from a book?
I love the ending of C. S. Lewis' The Last Battle where they're flying into their version of Heaven. It's just such a beautiful last few chapters and it helps me picture what Heaven might really be like.

What are your top five favorite authors?
C. S. Lewis
J. K. Rowling
Dan Brown
William Shakespeare
Stephen King

What book has no one heard about but should read?
The Mysterious Benedict Society was pretty interesting. I ran across it at Borders a few years ago and really enjoyed it.

What 3 books are you an "evangelist" for?
Harry Potter series
The Hunger Games series
anything by Michael Pollan

What is your favorite classic book?
Romeo and Juliet

5 other notable mentions?
Digital Fortress (Dan Brown)
He's Just Not That Into You (Greg Behrendt)
A Wrinkle in Time series (Madeleine L'Engle)
Pretty Little Liars series (Sara Shepard)
The Winter of our Disconnect (Susan Maushart)


  1. What an interesting survey! I haven't read for fun since I started law school, there is just too much reading for school to want to read anything else. I love Jane eyre though, so sorry you hated it! Strange, because we seem to have similar taste in other books. And Borders as a company went out of business, not just the ones in your area :( such a shame, I liked them so much better but they just couldn't compete with Barnes and noble (who also owns amazon).


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