Getting the oil checked in my car. Getting my hair cut. Painting my nails. Doing the dishes. All of these things are the sort of things I tend to put off until the last possible moment. Anything that needs constant monitoring and updating will probably not get enough attention from me.
Give me a new project and I can use the momentum and excitement to work through it. Ask me to keep a plant alive and I guarantee you I will forget to water it.
I have no idea if this is a personal flaw that I can work on or if this is just the way I am destined to be. Are some people naturally better at maintaining things than others? This whole situation is just further evidence to me of the fact that I tend to live with my head in the clouds most days. As do most INFPs.
The thing is, I think, that there just seems to be so many more important things to spend my brain-power on than keeping my house cleaned or my cuticles... cuticled. (What is it called when you keep your cuticles looking nice?). Does maintenance matter? Maybe. Probably. I should definitly work on that. Or maybe it's just fine that that's not the way I am. What do you think?
I've actually been doing pretty good lately on eating well and exercising regularly. It's just all those little things that I keep slacking on: laundry, dishes, making sure my plants get watered. It's like, I don't even noticed these things need doing until the need is dire. "We're out of cups! Oh no!!" or "My plant is dying... I wonder why that is?" Sigh... I need a maid/butler/cook.
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