Also I bought some really freakin' huge tracing paper so I can trace the patterns out of the pattern book that I bought the other day. This paper is seriously big - like 19"x24"! It was the largest book of tracing paper they had. ;) For some reason this pattern book had patterns printed on both sides, so I had to get tracing paper to trace over them and basically make my own patterns (with most patterns, they're only printed on one side, so you can just cut the pattern out directly). Anyway, I thought it'd be kind of annoying to trace all that, but it turned out to be kind of fun.
Tonight while I traced, I pre-washed the two fabrics that I'm going to use for my first apron. Tomorrow I'll cut out the fabric and start sewing! Hopefully I can get at least one apron done tomorrow. I don't think it'll take too long, but it has been awhile since I've sewn anything, so we'll see how it goes.
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