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Update on my Technology Detox

I bet you've been wondering... how is Jennifer doing on her technology detox?

Well... I'm glad you asked!

Some areas of detox are going well, while other aspects have crept back into my life. I haven't been strict on myself, but instead remind myself regularly to slow down, observe my restfulness level, and not try to constantly keep my mind busy with technology. Some technology is fine, but constant technology has a way of not letting your brain ever really rest.

I'm doing well with this resolution. I've maintained my one DVD at a time rule, and am still not watching any streaming. It's been interesting to discover that the lack of thousands of movies at my beck and call makes that one movie on the weekend so much more interesting to watch!

I went ahead and deleted everything two weeks and older on my DVR. I still had Christmas movies on there! If I haven't watched them by the middle of February, I probably never will. It's weird how having a bunch of old stuff on your TiVo ends up feeling less like a lot of fun options and more like a "to-do" list. Eliminating that non-essential list took a lot of weight off.

I did re-instate my Twitter account, but resolved to not check it as obsessively as I used to. I like that it's a quick way to converse with readers of my blog, and a very effective way to advertise my Etsy shop.

Google Reader:
I still subscribe to way too many blogs, but I've told myself I need to not put this on my "to-do" list at all. If I get to it, great, but I shouldn't feel like it's something I "need" to do. I love blogs because they're inspiring and a great way to get to know other people like me. But... I also can't spend hours every day reading them. Not that I was before, but I felt like I should be. So now I'm letting myself be okay with not keeping up with everything. Also, if posts get older than 2 weeks old before I read them, I just "mark as read" and move on. I'm never going to be able to keep up with everything and that needs to be okay.

I am still without Facebook and honestly it feels great. Only a couple people have even missed me on there, and they reached out via email or Twitter, so I haven't really lost anything. What I have lost is the noise of hearing about what my 150 closest acquaintances are up to, and that is something I definitely don't miss!


  1. My first technology fast.
  2. My geeky tech history.
  3. Starting the Disconnect Process.
  4. My general "unplugging" anxiety.
  5. My "Rules" for a technology detox.
  6. Technology detox - Day 7 update.
  7. Technology detox - Day 17 update!


  1. I could use a techno de-tox, but I'm probably never going to do it! Good for you! Saw you over at Live,Laugh,Rowe and am looking forward to growing my blog too. Following you now. (and I can never keep up with the blogs I'm following, but I try when I can!)

    1. I hear you! I'm constantly following and in following blogs. If I figure out a good way to manage them all, I'll let you know! ;)

  2. I haven't checked my twitter in AGES. I forgot I had one!

    1. Yeah I've started and stopped so many social networks over the years. Some just don't resonate with me at all, but for some reason I keep coming back to Twitter! It was one of the first social networks I tried and will always have a special place in my heart I think. ;) I love that it's so casual and doesn't demand a whole lot from you, yet it still has the power to deliver up-to-date news and trends to you instantly.

  3. Even with Twitter back, this is pretty hardcore! I just made a Facebook for my Etsy and it's the only way I keep up with my army relatives, so my Facebook will have to stay. (Though, it's a pretty hostile place right now with all the political stuffs.) :P Good work cutting it down!

    1. I do miss keeping in touch with old classmates and far-away relatives, but overall it was invading my headspace so much that I was forgetting how to daydream, relax, and live in the moment. Facebook was definitely the biggest culprit in invading my mental space so overall I'm glad to see it go.


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